1st Annual Statewide Gathering to Celebrate
and Support Community Strengths

April 3-4, 2018 • Fairbanks, Alaska
University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus • Wood Center Ballroom

This event was hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks in partnership with Kawerak’s Northwest Alaska Wellness Initiative (NAWI) and First Alaskans Institute.

This collaborative event brought a diverse group of people together from across the state representing various groups, agencies and individuals involved in the work of bringing about and promoting positive change and wellbeing for all Alaskans. 

The gathering took place over two days and involved the sharing of stories of strength and success from within our Alaska Native communities along with working sessions and group dialogues focusing on the following themes: 
  • Creating new partnerships for promoting community strengths and wellness as suicide prevention.
  • Community-driven research to increase health and wellbeing and improve services
  • Focusing on community strengths and wellbeing as prevention.

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